Handmade with Love| Block 1 Solid Present
| |Happy Day, it’s time to kick start our Handmade with Love Sew-Along! We are thrilled to be stitching along with such a creative community and hope you will share a few pictures of your work along the way. Today is all about block 1, the solid present

Handmade with Love | Solid Present
- Handmade with Love Pattern
- Heat erasing marking pen
- Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmers
To make our blocks, we selected 4 larger print fabrics from our scrap stash. Since the block highlights a large area of fabric, it is perfect for larger scale prints.

The block is easy to make but does include a quarter square triangle (QST) as the bow. Which can be tricky. They are based on twisting half-square triangles (HST) to create the final block.

With the help of a heat erasing marking pen, we were able to make quick work of drawing a line from corner to corner on each block. Then it was all about stitching our units together with chain piecing.

Trimming our HST’s down to size was a breeze thanks to the help of the Clearly Perfect Slotted ruler! If you’ve never used this ruler before, we HIGHLY recommend it. Check out this quick video from Heather and see what we mean!
Once your HST’s are trimmed to size, it’s all about the assembly and pressing. Pressing is key and we love using Flatter by Soak. Not only does it smell amazing but it really helps our block stay nice and flat.

You will need to complete 4 solid present blocks to complete the Handmade with Love quilt top and trust us, we want to see them all! Be sure to drop us a note or share your blocks with us on Facebook.