Scissor Cozy Tutorial
| |If you’ve ever said, “Don’t use my fabric scissors for that!”, this protective Scissor Cozy may save the day. Scissor cozies are perfect for taking your craft supplies on the go too.

The template for the scissor cozy makes use of small scraps, and opting for a scrappy designs adds even more options. Have fun with a variety of patchwork styles.
“I didn’t want to waste these little offcuts from a charm pack, so I turned them into scissor cases!”- silversstitches
“Thanks @sotakhandmade for your wonderful free pattern and tutorial. Its a walk in the park if you read the instructions first but then again thats not always my style.” – libbys1999
You know we love a good batch sewing project. The scissor cozy is a perfect pattern for making gifts for your crafty friends whether they sew, scrapbook, craft, or even clip coupons.
“Quick and easy tutorial” – quilary1