Make Mittens from Thrift Store Sweaters
| |Fabric scraps come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. When you’ve sourced scraps have you ever considered sweaters? With this mitten tutorial, you just might take a second look at those sweaters taking up space in the give away pile.

Let’s get a bit sentimental. If you just can’t let go of your grandfather’s old cardigan, re-purposing that sweater to mittens might just feel like he is holding your hand.

We love a good upcycle project, and these thrift store sweater mittens take no time to sew. Consider batch sewing a few pair to give as neighbor gifts with some cocoa mix for chilly days ahead. The only supplies needed are sweaters and a sewing machine.
Since you are likely to encounter a variety of sweater knits in the thrift stores. Here are a few tips for sewing with sweater knit fabrics.