Free Bottle Bag Sewing Pattern

Whether you are in need of a hostess gift for Thanksgiving or prepping for the upcoming gift giving season, the Free Bottle Bag pattern might be the perfect container for gifting something special.

Free Bottle Bag pattern and tutorial

Bottle bags are obviously ideal for gifting wine, but a wide range of oblong-shaped gifts could fit in a wine bag. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Possibilities include: specialty olive oil or vinegar, pasta or baguettes, and even a bouquet of flowers.

DIY Bottle Bag Sewing Pattern

The presentation is as fantastic as the gift inside. If you are bringing your bottle to a party, consider choosing fabrics to match the party theme.

Easy to Sew Wine Bottle Bag

The holidays are coming, so batch sew a few bottle bags to have on hand when the need arises.

We have a wide range of hostess gift ideas, so be sure to check our pattern library.

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