10 Ways to Make Temperature Quilts
| |The idea of temperature quilts is very new to me, so it got me digging for more information. If you too are wondering, “what in the world is a temperature quilt?”, let’s explore the idea together. A temperature quilt uses colors to indicate temperatures through a determined time period. The time period the quilt represents is maker’s choice. You might consider making the quilt based on the temperatures during the first year of your marriage or you could collect the data from your collage years. You can start with any date to highlight an important year, or you can start at the beginning of a year and track the weather as you go. You can choose to make two color blocks representing the high and low temperature of the day or pick single color shapes representing just the highs or just the lows. Each temperature quilt will be unique to your time period and location. We’ve rounded up 10 temperature quilt how-tos to create your own one of a kind quilt.

- How to Make a Temperature Quilt (Bernina)
- How to Make a Temperature Quilt (Simple Simon & Company)
- How to Plan a Temperature Quilt (Devoted Quilter)
- Orange Peel Temperature Quilt
- How and Why to Make a Temperature Quilt (Darcy Quilts)
- Temperature Quilt by Crafty Staci
- Drunkard’s Path Temperature Quilt
- Abstract Temperature Quilt
- Temperature Quilt (The Quilting Room with Mel)
- Dresden Plate Temperature Quilt
For even more Temperature Quilt inspiration check out #temperaturequilt on Instagram.