10 Sewing Habits to Break in the New Year
| |The new year is nearly upon us which means it is resolution time. We’ve rounded up a short list of 10 bad sewing habits to break in the new year.

- Not cleaning your machine. Basic machine maintenance is beyond important and we suggest starting here, by getting your most important tool in tip-top shape. A simple clean out of the bobbin area can help keep those fabric dust bunnies from multiplying like mad.
- Not replacing your needle. This small task will help prevent stitches from skipping, keep your seams tight, and your machine running smoothly.
- Not cleaning your iron. To avoid any unwanted markings left on your fabric, it is important to keep your iron clean. So, if you notice any crude on the bottom of the pressing plate, now is the time to clean it. Here is a quick video to show you just how easy it is to get your iron clean!
- Not changing your rotary blade. Project work starts on the cutting table and if you have never changed a rotary blade before, trust me… NOW is the time! It does not have to be scary. Here is a quick guide to swapping out your rotary blade.
- Not nesting your seams. This one particularly applies to quilters. Nesting seams are a great way to keep your seam allowance flat in quilt blocks. This is a common term in quilting and refers to the layering of seam allowance in the opposite direction to reduce bulk. See how to nest your seams here. Quilter or not, always press your seams!
- Not using the right needle. Never has had the right tool for the job been more important than with sewing machine needles. Specialty needles can allow your machine to glide through the fabric without tearing or nicking (ballpoint for knits), produce crisp and clean thick stitches (topstitching/denim), and create two stitch lines in one pass (twin needle).
- Not pre-washing your fabric. I know, this is a controversial topic, but we want to encourage you not to skip this vital step.
- Sewing over pins. From broken needles and bend pins to messing with the timing of your machine and risking eye injuries, sewing over pins is a danger zone.
- Not understanding pattern markings. Most patterns have standardized markings, which makes it easier and faster to sew with them over time once you have practiced with a few of them. Let’s take a look at the magic decoding key.
- Using fabric scissors for paper. Using fabric scissors to cut paper will gradually remove the sharp edge of the scissors making them dull for cutting and they might even damage your fabric. Make sure to have one pair of very nice and sharp scissors only for fabric and another pair for cutting your patterns.
Have a Happy New Year, and lets resolve to break our bad sewing habits!