Quilted Magnets 3 Ways
| |Ready for some tiny quilts?!? Grab your smallest scraps and create useful magnets for your fridge or inspiration board. We’ve rounded up three methods for creating quilted magnets that you can keep on repeat for those tiniest of scraps.

Quilted magnets make a sweet handmade addition to any quilt swap package and are perfect for gifting. Magnetic bulletin boards are fun for teen and dorm rooms. We love the splash of color they add to refrigerators and dishwashers too.
They are so easy to make and require just a few simple supplies.
- fabric scraps
- quilt batting
- craft magnets
- sewing machine
- basic sewing tools
Sew Can She has an easy method for creating raw edge mini quilt magnets.
I’m Feeling Crafty sketched out plans for 2″ quilt blocks that are perfect for tucking a magnet inside.
Teresa Down Under uses foundation paper piecing in the video tutorial to create 1 1/2″ mini magnet quilt blocks.